Welcome to my 1st Blog

I decided to start this blog to keep a record of my training season before my 1st Ironman!! I hope friends and family enjoy the next 6 months journey!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Well, I was having a great week till I got stung today 20 yards or so from shore as I was finishing up my mile swim. I didn't even see the thing just felt the sting on my neck and back. I was swimming with my friend Emily and she went ahead and alerted the Lifeguard so that they had the Vinegar spray ready. I didn't know what stung me, but thought it was a jellyfish at first as I've never been stung before....Needless to say, things went downhill quickly.

I started to sweat and shake and felt cramping in my lower back, stomach, and legs. They put some warm packs on the stings to help compress it, but after about 20 mins decided to call an ambulance since I was still shaking. They loaded me up, which I've never been in one before, and ran some oxygen through me, an IV of saline since I was sweating and tried some benadryl (shot) as I had a bit of a tickle in my throat. After a few more minutes, the paramedic decided to give me the Epinephrine, more as a precaution since it sounded like my breathing was short because of the shivering. My body temp was 93 degrees which corresponds to the colder water and my body fighting the poisons. I ended up in ER with warm blankets and hot air being pumped in as I was still shivering a ton (in large part due to the Epinephrine shot which is like speed)...After about an hour, I stopped shaking and was feeling completely better. They also gave me some pepcid for my stomach. I walked out with Emily and Ann (who came to get me) about 1.5 - 2 hours afterward and felt fine. Crazy how quickly it came and went. Right now I'm taking it easy for the rest of today (even though they said I could train) and just really itchy. They have me on prednesone for a few days and benadryl for the itching...They are also giving me an EPI pen as a precautionary measure. My friend Emily, who was swimming with me, got stung on her arm on Tues and she went to the ER to get checked out as these things are nasty!! Attached are 2 photos of the sting, it got me close to my lymph nodes and that is probably why I had the reaction that I did....What a day!!!

Anyhow, I feel really good but could deal with the itching for some time based on what I've read online. The lifeguard thought it was a Man O War and based on the pics of other stings online, I agree. They tend to sting harder and last longer....GREAT!!!!

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