Welcome to my 1st Blog

I decided to start this blog to keep a record of my training season before my 1st Ironman!! I hope friends and family enjoy the next 6 months journey!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Last Hundred Done and Endurance Base Complete!!!

My bike and I have become really, really good friends over the last two weeks as we have ridden multiple Century (100-milers) rides which take around 6 hours each. It's been a long two weeks, but feel very confident that I can complete the Ironman race distance right now. I also mixed in a couple of 2.5 - 3 hour runs during those weeks, so it was alot of time and effort on my legs....I'm a little beat up from the training, so laying off on running till the Half Ironman race this Saturday (June 4th), but very happy with where I'm at. Weight wise, I'm right where I want to be and my nutrition is "Spot On" as I had plenty of energy at the ends of those long rides. I also felt that I could run a marathon distance on some of those long-runs, so I'm ready.

Looking forward to the Half Ironman this Saturday. You can track my progress on Ironman.com. The race is the Hawaii 70.3 and starts at 7 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (1 p.m. EST). I plan to race the swim/bike and cruise the run. Basically, I'll see how my left leg feels on the run and determine how hard I want to push it then....

I'll post some training pics when they come through on email....

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