Welcome to my 1st Blog

I decided to start this blog to keep a record of my training season before my 1st Ironman!! I hope friends and family enjoy the next 6 months journey!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 2 - Getting my Water Wings

The second week of training was much more organized as I finally started to get a rhythm going...I felt pretty good on the bike and run (of course). The best decision I ever made was to finally buck up and get a swim coach!! Individualized attention is what I definitely need as I really, really hate to swim. I love being in the water, but it's so damn frustrating flopping around while others just cruise right through the water. On top of it all, the coaches give you all these drills to do, which are really hard and never made much sense or I just couldn't do them. My new swim coach, Chad, was awesome!! He watched me swim for about 5 minutes and gave me a quick understanding of what he saw and why we need to work on it. That 5 minutes connected 3 years of dots in the swim stroke. I liken a swim stroke to a golf swing....there are about 6 different things that have to go right to get a good swing on the ball and the same goes for swimming. You have to relax your arms, yet pull through with your muscles, shift your hips, and timing is critical. I knew that I was doing things wrong, I just didn't know how to fix them....I left with 3 new drills, a few dozen mouthfuls of salty sea water, and a newly revitalized outlook on swimming. Maybe it won't be so damn boring and I won't get pummeled in the race after all....If only I could be this lucky

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