Welcome to my 1st Blog

I decided to start this blog to keep a record of my training season before my 1st Ironman!! I hope friends and family enjoy the next 6 months journey!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Peak Week

Last week was my first true Peak Week of training: 115 miles cycling, 27 miles running, 5,500 yards swimming....and boy am I tired!!! Looking forward to the recovery week coming up.....The swimming is coming around slowly, the run feels good as always, and the bike is definitely starting to shape up. I rode a very wet and muddy 60 miles on Saturday....My hands and shoulder were really sore after because I was holding on for dear life....it's been awhile since I've pedaled in the rain and in a pace line (line of cyclists wheel to wheel drafting off of each other) no doubt....it was nerve racking but I made it through without incident and was able to stay with the group a little longer this time then last. My legs are starting to come around!!!

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